Introduction to this resource
Please read through this brief introduction before proceeding to Unit 1 via the links on the left. You can then navigate through the Units at your own pace.
The aim of this resource is to provide training in advance care planning that:
- Is practical and digestible, delivered across bite-sized units
- Builds on your existing knowledge, skills and competencies
- Can be shared with other members of staff in your organisation
- Will help you to identify good timing for advance care planning discussions, or when an individual is indicating that they would like to discuss these issues
- Depending on your role, will help equip you to have advance care planning discussions, or guide you in directing individuals to further support with advance care planning
How is the training delivered?
- This training has been designed so you can complete it at your own pace, and at a time convenient to you.
- It contains seven units, and we anticipate that each unit will take you approximately 20 – 30 minutes to complete.
- The units are made up of a variety of brief articles and videos. We have also included some short activities to allow you to think about how this learning applies to your work setting. Many of the videos contain points that will be revisited throughout the training, so we will invite you to make notes that you can refer back to as you proceed through the training.
- A certificate of achievement will be available upon completion of the training. This will enable you to use it towards your continuing professional development (CPD).
- As part of this project, we are evaluating this training. You will have the opportunity at the end of the training to provide feedback to us about your experience of the resource and using this information. Your views are really important to us and we value your feedback.
How will this training help me in my role?
Advance care planning is an important part of supporting and caring for people nearing the end of their lives. This training is intended for all health care providers, as all are likely to come into contact with individuals nearing the end of their lives at some point.
A point about roles
Your involvement in advance care planning will vary according to your role and work setting.
- For some health care providers, involvement in advance care planning discussions will be an integral part of your work.
- For others, you may be keen to integrate advance care planning into your role through development of your knowledge, skills and confidence in the subject.
- Alternatively, your role may mean that you only come into contact with individuals nearing the end of their lives and with advance care planning from time to time.
Whilst health care providers will have different levels of involvement in advance care planning, all are likely to come into contact at times with individuals nearing the end of their lives. Everyone has a role to play in supporting these individuals or directing them to further support. Much of the information in this resource is about communicating sensitively with individuals as they consider the care they might need as they approach the end of their lives.
Some parts of the resource give more specific details of advance care planning (eg legislation and documentation), which may be most relevant to those regularly involved in formal advance care planning discussions. However, this information provides useful background to all health care providers about the processes involved.
If you are regularly involved in advance care planning, once you have finished this introductory resource it would be advisable for you to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence further. Support with doing this can be provided by your line manager through your Personal Development Review (PDR).
Advance care planning and your role
As a member of health care staff, you bring a wealth of important experience and knowledge to this training. Please spend a few minutes thinking about your role in relation to advance care planning and make a few notes. Answers to these questions will vary according to your role and work setting.
Reflective activity
You may wish to consider the following questions:
- What comes to mind when you think about advance care planning? What does the term ‘advance care planning’ mean to you?
- If you are currently involved in advance care planning as part of your role, how do you feel about this? For example, how confident do you feel? Are there any aspects you find challenging?
- If you are not directly involved in advance care planning at present, consider how you might feel if you were, or how might you direct individuals to further support with advance care planning? What might help you and prepare you for this?
- What would you like to get from this training? For example, are there any particular skills or knowledge you would like to develop that relate to advance care planning?